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Biodiversity Conservation

KOGAS is fully aware of the need to conserve biodiversity for sustainable development, and understands the potential business risks of biodiversity destruction.

Humans depend on the basic services provided by various living things in the ecosystem to live. In addition, biological resources provide major economic benefits and services in all industries such as medicine, food, environment, and energy. However, threats to biodiversity such as habitat destruction continue to this day, and as a result, biodiversity conservation has become an urgent issue to address worldwide. We are taking all necessary measures to minimize negative impact on biodiversity across our entire business value chain.

The flying squirrel

The flying squirrel was designated as an endangered species in 2012, and is protected.

Current Activities

From the business planning stage, KOGAS systematically conducts environmental impact assessment on the surrounding ecosystem and environment to implement measures minimizing environmental damage, and faithfully performs follow-up management and monitoring throughout operations. Through the “One Company One Endangered Species Protection Project”, we have carried out and have continuously monitored habitat protection activities for otters and flying squirrels, and have continued inhabitation and breeding projects at our business sites after transplanting rare plants such as sword-leaf dogbanes and great hairy willowherbs.

A picture of a big needle flower

Great hairy willowherbs are growing in Samcheok Terminal Division.

Our Commitments

  • We will not operate in areas that are particularly worthy of protection due to their pristine natural ecosystem and abundant biodiversity (wildlife sanctuary, ecological landscape protected area, wetlands conservation area, specific areas).
  • We will not operate in internationally protected areas (Ramsar Wetlands, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Global Geopark and World Natural Heritage, IUCN protected area Categories I-IV).
  • We will seek help from outside agencies to fulfill our biodiversity conservation commitments.
  • We will support local, national and global initiatives to protect ecosystems and endangered species.
  • We will effectively provide relevant information to our employees and stakeholders to better understand the importance and severity of biodiversity issues
  • (Target: Zero loss rate in biodiversity protection areas at home and abroad).

By internalizing these commitments into our management system, KOGAS will faithfully adhere to all of our promises to achieve the quantitative goal of zero loss in domestic and international biodiversity protection areas, and will check and disclose results every year. Furthermore, as a public institution, we will continue to develop our targets for biodiversity conservation so that we can set a model for ESG corporate management.

※ In the above commitment, “we” refers to Korea Gas Corporation and subsidiaries over which KOGAS has direct control.

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